Tuesday, February 11th
4:00 PM Registration Opens
5:00 PM Networking Reception
6:30 PM Dinner on your own
Wednesday, February 12th
6:00 - 7:00 AM Optional Morning Yoga and Meditation
7:30 AM Networking Breakfast
8:15 AM Forum Welcome and Program Overview
8:30 - 9:30 AM Elements of Extraordinary Teams
Dr. John Evans, Knowledge Labs
Great Chemistry is the Key to Teams that Work. Your ability to deliver an exceptional client experience is the responsibility of every member of your team. And like every team, yours is only as strong as its weakest members. As you strive to exceed clients’ expectations, ask yourself: What makes elite teams deliver great results while others appear to be simply a “working group”?
A team that functions as one with a strong purpose operates on a higher level that your clients can feel and appreciate. When client expectations are exceeded by a team with great chemistry, client confidence in you skyrockets.
9:40 AM Insights for the Ages
Bob Veres, Inside Information, moderator
10:30 AM Networking Break
10:45 AM Developing the Next Generation of Leaders
Rick Schwartz, Expanding Horizons
Oh Just Grow Up!: Why firms fail to internally transition and what to do about it.
There is a lot of finger pointing between generations as efforts to transition founders and senior equity stakeholders run off the rails. Each generation believes they have the answers and the truth lands somewhere in the middle. In this session, senior firm leaders will learn how to identify and develop the next generation leaders. Rest assured this is not one-sided. We will also discuss the responsibilities of these up and coming “high potentials” in their own development as they aspire to carry the firm forward for years to come.
11:45 AM Networking Lunch and Continued Table Discussions
12:45 PM - 1:45 PM Next Generation Leadership Panel
Rick Schwartz, Expanding Horizons, Moderator
Christina Burroughs, MRA Associates
Wendy Hartman, President, Buckingham Strategic Wealth
Brian Martin, Managing Director, Operations and Wealth Management & Shareholder, Accredited Investors Wealth Management
1:45 PM Networking Break
2:00 - 2:30 PM Innovating the Future Workforce: Why Should You Care?
Kate Healy, TD Ameritrade Institutional
Mark Tibergien, Pershing Advisor Solutions
2:45 PM - 3:30 PM Accelerating Business Success
Kate Healy, TD Ameritrade Institutional, moderator
Laura Gregg, Northern Trust
Hunter Judson, Judson Group
Ekta Patel, Altfest Personal Wealth Management
Janki Patel, The Ensemble Practice
3:30 PM Networking Break
3:45 PM Industry Leaders Panel
Yonhee Gordon, JMG Financial Group, moderator
David Canter, Fidelity Clearing & Custody Solutions
Bernie Clark, Schwab Advisory Services
Mark Tibergien, Pershing Advisor Solutions
John Tovar, TD Ameritrade Institutional
Leaders from four of the major custodians will share their insights on the future of the custodian/RIA relationship.
4:45 PM Relax and Refresh
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Optional Group Activities:
-Tequila Sipping Seminar (Pre-registration required)
-Mindful Minute
6:00 PM - 6:45 PM Reception on Mountain Shadows Lawn
6:45 PM Dinner on Camelback Overlook
Thursday, February 13th
6:00 AM - 7:00 AM Optional activity: Morning Boot Camp (Pre-Registration required)
8:00 AM Networking Breakfast
8:30 AM Technology and Machine Intelligence in Personal Finance
Scott Klososky, TriCorps Technologies
Digital Transformation is changing the relationship between financial advisors and clients. Advisors have new digital tools to build relationships and service their clients while simultaneously their clients are becoming more self-serving and have tremendous access to data and information on the Internet - both good and bad. Scott Klososky, an expert in Humalogy®, which is a framework of describing the blending of humans and technology in any process, will discuss why the role of the advisor will NOT be easily replaced by machines. But advisors need to become competent in using digital tools to amplify their abilities.
9:30 AM Roundtable Q&A
Scott Klososky, TriCorps Technologies
10:00 AM Break
10:15 AM The Pricing Conundrum – How to Level Up without Blowing Up
Matthew Jackson, LPL Financial
The planning profession makes a point of emphasizing its commitment to fairness and transparency in fees. As the wealth management proposition evolves into new areas of advice, many have a nagging suspicion that the asset-based approach to fees could be improved upon. At the same time, clients are not complaining, and we are doing our best to provide them with the advice they need. Why fix what isn’t broken? In this session, we look at ways to innovate without imperiling profitability, and to prepare your businesses for a changing future.
11:15 AM Understanding Your Clients: Insights from Dimensional's Investor Survey
Jack Nicholson, Dimensional Fund Advisors
Jack will share insights and takeaways from our 2019 Global end-client investor survey, gleaning data from over 22k respondents, making it one of the largest if not largest studies of its kind.
11:45 AM Lunch and Learn with Sponsors
12:45 PM - 1:45 PM M&A: Addressing the Challenges of Integrating Technology
Shaun Kapusinski, Sequoia Financial Group
Greg Friedman, Private Ocean
An often-overlooked component to a successful RIA merger or acquisition is technology integration. Greg and Shaun are industry veterans who will share their insight to help advisors avoid costly tech missteps and navigate through strategy, vetting, implementation, adoption and growth, all while considering how to best galvanize a firm’s most valuable asset – its people.
1:45 PM Break
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM M&A Panel: Successfully Navigating the Complexities of Merging Firms
Shaun Kapusinski, Sequoia Financial Group, moderator
Greg Friedman, Private Ocean
Tom Orecchio, Modera Wealth Management
Sarah Wotherspoon, Private Ocean
This panel will share their experiences and advice around the intricacies of bringing firms together. Areas covered will include philosophy alignment, change management, cultural considerations, and defining “the best of both worlds.”
3:00 PM Networking Break
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM Rules of Engagement
Kelli Cruz, Cruz Consulting Group
This session will provide an overview on the most effective practices in developing and sustaining team engagement. It will include a discussion on what strong team engagement is, its importance to your business success, the drivers of team engagement, and the role of management in engaging employees.
3:50 PM - 4:20 PM Beyond Referrals: How to Help the Next Generation of Advisors Grow Your Firm
Kristin Harad, Entrepreneur and Marketing Consultant
Most likely, you got to where you are today from the hard work of founders who were tenacious networkers. Sales and marketing are different now, with proactive outreach shifting from direct contact to education through content and slow nurturing of prospects. Skeptical of the advice industry, potential clients seek validation of your reputation, take longer to feel trust and want human connection, not a faceless company. Large RIAs must reinforce a company brand while enabling advisors to foster their own personal brands that resonate.
In this session, learn how to prime your next generation of advisors to grow your firm along with what to include in your marketing playbook for advisors to help them focus their efforts for the greatest return.
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM What We Learned Together
Bob Veres, Inside Information
5:30 PM Relax and refresh
6:30 PM Networking reception and closing dinner