Fall Conference Twitter Chat Series
In anticipation of the Fall Conference, we’re hosting a series of Twitter Chats with some of our widely-anticipated Conference speakers. These Chats will take place during the month of September, and offer you not only a glimpse into the topics that will be investigated at the NAPFA Fall Conference, but also an opportunity to engage the Conference speaker, one-on-one, prior to the event. These will be “ask me anything” sessions, and will require no prior registration. Just log in to your Twitter account and use the hashtag #NAPFA18 to ask anything about the featured speaker’s topic. Check back later as information on future Chats is added.

‘Ask Me Anything’ Twitter Chat
Featuring George Kinder, “The Father of Life Planning”
September 6, 2:00 pm, ET
Advisors often think of Life Planning as psychology, as George Kinder originally presented the methodology in Seven Stages of Money Maturity 20 years ago. But in truth, it has very little to do with psychology. Rather it is a systematic process that delivers freedom to a client and in short order. The only overlap with psychology is how it starts with a deep, empathic, and inspired listening that builds trust and establishes a strong client-advisor relationship. Building on the trusted relationship, a Life Planner moves to the personal dreams of freedom that inspire clients into action. George will discuss Life Planning as the five-phase EVOKE® process that is rooted in mindfulness, deep listening, and communication skills, along with Life Planning’s inspirational and energizing role in society.
Kinder explores in his new book, A Golden Civilization and the Map of Mindfulness, the seminal role financial planners will play in the creation of a vibrant, long-lasting, sustainable, and stable civilization. At NAPFA, he will share some of the surprising economic conclusions of his life work, including how self-knowledge betters self-interest in economic efficiency, how moments of freedom are a more precise and sustainable focus for economics than moments of transaction, and how a Map of Mindfulness can replace our traditional maps of space-time, while clarifying how to measure freedom and how to deliver it in financial planning. Kinder argues that the democratization of entrepreneurial spirit through Life Planning across all of society will maximize both innovation and growth across society, as it maximizes the efficient allocation of human resources. Kinder demonstrates how entrepreneurial spirit, innovation, and growth can be delivered more effectively and comprehensively through financial advice than through institutions or governmental policy, thus enhancing both democracy and markets.
Intrigued? Questions about what you’ve just read? Join George Kinder during the NAPFA Ask Me Anything Twitter Chat, Thursday, September 6th at 2:00 pm, ET. Just log on to your Twitter account, search for #NAPFA18, and ask George anything about the truth of Life Planning.
Upcoming Twitter Chats

‘Ask Me Anything’
Featuring Joe Messinger, Capstone Wealth Partners
September 13, 2:00 pm, ET
Discover A New Approach to Paying for College - College Pre-Approval™.
Paying for college is one of the greatest financial challenges facing Gen X parents today. College costs are rising nearly twice as fast as inflation. A four-year education costs anywhere from $100,000 to $300,000 per student. Student loan debt is out of control and has surpassed the $1.5 trillion mark!
Still, parents and students alike realize that a college education can mean more opportunities, higher pay, and better choices.
Many financial advisors' college planning advice starts and stops with the 529 college saving plan. We need to raise the bar in college funding advice across the industry and guide families through this complicated and stressful buying decision.
The College Pre-Approval™ 3-step process ensures students graduate with manageable student-loan debt without robbing retirement. Families know exactly how they will pay for all 4 years of college down to the penny without robbing retirement.
- Maximize financial aid
- Find schools with generous scholarships regardless of your wealth
- Create a smart lending strategy
- Understand education tax planning opportunities

‘Ask Me Anything’
Featuring Karla Chin, Exude, Inc.
September 17, 2:00 pm, ET
Karla Chin’s upcoming NAPFA conference session will focus on “The Science of Resilience, Happiness, & Success.” Having had the opportunity to work with thousands of clients over the past 15 years, Karla was able to witness firsthand how understanding your brain and learning how to “hack” it can have a direct impact on your well-being, happiness and success.
Today’s world has never been hungrier for the glory of goal achievement. Whether goals stem from desires for material items, financial freedom, or some other area, they all have one thing in common: it requires traveling down a road filled with uncertainty, sacrifice, and setbacks. This is why Karla believes that resilience is one of the most important life skills that any human being can develop.
One of the ways to immediately increase life satisfaction and resilience is first through understanding the theory of the Hedonic Treadmill (also known as hedonic adaptation). This theory proposes that people return to their level of happiness, regardless of what happens to them. So living life chasing goals and thinking that your end destination will result in more happiness or fulfillment is a misleading belief. Yes, you may feel happier right when your goal is achieved, but as for the sustainability of that feeling, it doesn’t usually stick around. In fact, many people are addicted to achievement and chase goals just so they can experience those micro moments of accomplishment.
Learn more about this and get your questions answered during Karla’s twitter chat session.

‘Ask Me Anything’
Featuring Lauren Hong, Out and About Communications
September 26, 2:00 pm, ET
Out & About Communications President Lauren Hong has mastered the nuances of marketing in the financial services industry. Wealth Management firms are understandably focused on their clients’ bottom lines, so aspects of business like market position and attracting ideal clients sometimes take a backseat. Lauren’s session will draw on her extensive international marketing and business experience to offer actionable steps and advice on branding, sales, on-boarding and beyond.
Are you a solo rainmaker looking to start or join a firm with the same impressive results? Does your firm handle potential sales leads in a way that converts to new clients? Are you able to circumvent traditional, stuffy branding concepts to more modern, approachable and versatile ideas?
Today’s financial planning clients are savvy, eager and vocal about portfolio management. Lauren utilizes her knowledge of client expectations and perspectives to create custom marketing strategies that execute to success. Working with a staff of more than 15 qualified professionals, Lauren helps firms position those in authority as thought leaders and is familiar with compliance challenges that can best even the most experienced financial planners.