Mastering the Art of Business Owner Financial Planning

Specialized Knowledge
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Fort Worth 1-3

This session will provide a strategic roadmap for collaborating with clients who are business owners, encompassing the entire spectrum from effectively positioning and marketing their most significant asset—their business—to the intricacies of crafting investment strategies, optimizing tax planning, and developing a robust estate and legacy plan. Business owners face a distinctive set of challenges and opportunities that diverge from the standard pre-retirement planning process. The substantial business assets they hold often come with complexities such as illiquidity, intricate family dynamics, emotional considerations, and an inherent lack of transition planning. This session will delve into the unique dynamics of financial planning for business owners, shedding light on the critical aspects necessary for their success. Attend this session to gain the knowledge and strategies to help business owners overcome these hurdles and achieve their financial and legacy goals.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Learn the importance of assisting business owners when they need you most - before they have substantial investable assets
  2. Gain expertise in intricate business owner planning elements, including collateralized accounts, estate structures, and alternative investments
  3. Acquire skills to address behavioral barriers that often hinder business owners from planning their transitions effectively, facilitating a smoother and more proactive planning process