Social Security and Medicare: Help Clients Maximize Benefits and Avoid Mistakes

Specialized Knowledge
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Fort Worth 4/5

Who knew government benefits would play such a big role in retirees’ lives? It’s true. A high-earning couple stands to receive as much as $2 million in Social Security benefits over their lifetime while Medicare covers most of each retiree’s medical expenses after age 65. But the value of these government benefits can vary considerably depending on when and how clients claim them and whether they are able to avoid mistakes. This session will cover the key rules and strategies advisors must know to help clients maximize their Social Security benefits and get the most out of Medicare.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Determine how Social Security benefits can be maximized through additional earnings, delayed retirement credits, and cost-of-living adjustments
  2. Understand Medicare enrollment rules so clients can avoid penalties and coverage gaps
  3. Conduct a Social Security and Medicare “audit” to make sure clients are receiving all the benefits they are entitled to