Earn 6.0 NAPFA CE and 6.0 CFP CE hours for attending the sessions on Monday, February 6. Additionally, earn 2.0 NAPFA CE and 2.0 CFP CE hours for attending the Ethics session Sunday evening.
Sunday, February 5, 2023
6:00 PM - 7:40 PM
Ethics CE: CFP® Board’s Revied Code and Standards
Philip Gibson, Ph.D., CFP®, Professor of Finance & Director of Certified Financial Planning, College of Business Administration, Winthrop University
This two-hour presentation meets the ethics CE requirement for CFP® professionals. In addition to the latest update to CFP® Board's Code and Standards, this presentation covers CFP® Board's fiduciary standard, the new rules for managing conflicts of interest, and the new reporting rules for the disciplinary process.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the structure and content of the revised Code and Standards, including significant changes from prior rules
- Describe CFP Board’s Fiduciary Duty
- Identify material conflicts of interest and how to avoid, or fully disclose, obtain informed consent, and manage them
- Understand the duty to report to CFP Board and the duty to cooperate
- Identify the practice standards when providing financial planning or financial advice that requires financial planning
- Understand the duty to provide information to clients when providing financial advice and/or financial planning
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Happy Hour
Monday, February 6, 2023
8:00 AM ‐ 8:30 AM
Networking / Registration
8:30 AM ‐ 8:45 AM
Welcome and Opening Remarks
8:45 AM ‐ 9:45 AM
2023 Economic Update
Laura Ullrich, Ph.D., Senior Regional Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
With economic conditions in such a different place than we have seen historically, understanding the supply/demand dynamics that currently exist helps us to make good investment decisions. Topics addressed will include an update on economic activity, trends of employment/unemployment, labor participation rates, and the impact of housing on our economy. All of these topics help our planners/advisors have educated conversations on these important topics with their clients.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the impact of the pandemic on our economy
- Learn how employment, spending behaviors, and housing prices have impacted consumers
- Take a deep dive into our regional economic factors
9:45 AM ‐ 10:45 AM
How to Build Strong Families and Lasting Legacies: Insights from Family Businesses that Stand the Test of Time
Torsten Pieper, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Management, Belk College of Business, University of North Carolina - Charlotte and Advisor at Generation6 Family Enterprise Advisors
Why is it that some family businesses persist and prosper over decades and often even centuries, whereas countless others do not make it past the first or second generation? Research shows that they have learned to emphasize and consciously manage family unity and cohesion, which in turn drive business prosperity and joint entrepreneurial action. In this session, participants will learn how family cohesion is built and what specific mechanisms they can help clients use to keep owning families unified and capable of acting in concert. Drawing on case studies of centuries-old family businesses and combining them with the latest insights from scientific research and consulting practice, participants will gain an understanding of concrete actions they can take with clients in family businesses to help the families work together harmoniously and effectively over the long run.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the unique opportunities and challenges of this type of client, with a focus on helping clients transfer their businesses intergenerationally
- Learn how to help clients manage family unity and cohesion
- Identify common conflicts to be aware of
10:45 AM ‐ 11:15 AM
Morning Break / Networking
11:15 AM ‐ 12:15 PM
Theory Versus Practice: Perspectives on Risk Profiling
John Grable, Ph.D., CFP®, Professor, College of Family and Consumer Sciences, University of Georgia
Amy Hubble, Ph.D., CFA, CFP®, Principal at Radix Financial, LLC
This presentation is designed to provide attendees with a comprehensive definition of an individual investor’s financial risk profile, incorporating both objective and behavioral attributes that reflect the interdependence of an investor’s underlying attitudes, perceptions, and preferences. The presenters will discuss the topic from a theoretical as well as practical perspective and share what the latest research tells advisors about risk-profiling procedures.
Learning Objectives:
- How to assess a client’s risk profile
- How to determine the validity of a risk-tolerance/profile assessment tool
- How the accurate assessment of a client’s risk profile can be used to predict client behavior
- What behavioral prompts and nudges a financial advisor can use to help clients feel more at ease when faced with financial losses
12:15 PM ‐ 1:15 PM
1:15 PM ‐ 3:00 PM
Workshop: Uncovering The Client Money Mindset: Identifying Future Millionaires Next Door & Understanding Retirement Approach
Sarah Stanley Fallaw, Ph.D., Author and President of DataPoints, LLC
The way clients approach financial management depends greatly on their financial personality. Understanding client characteristics can better prepare you to provide personalized advice and guidance to clients at any stage of life. In this session, we’ll explore client personality characteristics and how they can be measured. We’ll explore factors that predict future millionaires-next-door and five unique retirement approaches. In addition, you will gain an in-depth understanding of personality, how different characteristics impact financial success, and ways to prepare for working with varying types of client.
Learning Objectives
- Explain how a client’s personality impacts their financial behaviors
- Understand the critical behavioral factors/competencies that lead to wealth accumulation
- Learn different approaches and attitudes toward retirement
3:00 PM ‐ 3:15 PM
Afternoon Break/Networking
3:15 PM ‐ 4:15 PM
Growth: Advisor and Client Perspectives
Mark Colaco, CFP®, Regional Director, Practice Management, Dimensional
The presentation will use two of the largest RIA studies run by Dimensional Fund Advisors to illustrate what top firms are doing to drive growth within their business and affect the client experience. It will focus on core pillars of successful firms backed by research from thousands of firms and clients. The core areas it will cover include building a strategic plan, understanding capacity, having a core why, creating target client profiles, defining a unique value proposition, and how these are implemented into the client experience.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand how clients prefer to interact, what they value, how they measure the value received from their advisor, and how to communicate this value
- Evaluate opportunities to generate referrals among existing clients by understanding their expectations and establishing a process for educating clients on how to refer
- Learn how to define your target client profiles based on key attributes and better articulate your value proposition to these personas
If you are attending the simulcast in Atlanta, the following session will be presented during this time in place of the session above.
2022 Municipal Market Outlook
Stephanie Larosiliere, Senior Client Portfolio Manager Municipal Securities
This in-depth discussion will provide economic insights around the current state tax-free bond markets, with a focus on state and national municipal bonds. The presentation addresses today’s current challenges and opportunities, as well as answering the questions that investors always need to consider, including 1) where are we in the bond cycle? 2) what’s the direction of the economy? 3) what will the Federal Reserve policy response be? and 4) what are the implications for municipal fixed income markets?
Learning Objectives:
- Develop a deeper knowledge and understanding of economic cycles and relevant factors to identify today’s position and tomorrow’s projection
- Participate in a review of Federal policy and understand potential outcomes of their response to current economic conditions
- Develop a greater awareness of municipal fixed income investment markets and considerations to optimize this asset class in today’s economy
4:15 PM - 4:30 PM
Closing Remarks
All scheduled times are listed in ET. Attendees at all locations are encouraged to email questions for the presenters to SouthSymposium@gmail.com.