Tuesday, February 8, 2022
4:00 PM Registration Opens
5:00 PM Networking Reception
6:30 PM Dinner on your own
Wednesday, February 9, 2022
6:00 – 7:00 AM Optional Activity: Morning Workout/Yoga
7:30 AM Networking Breakfast
8:30 AM Forum Welcome and Program Overview
8:45 AM – 10:00 AM Creating a Culture of Connection
Jonathan Sprinkles, The Connection Lab
Leaders who create a Culture of Connection have the ultimate competitive advantage! Connected organizations are more profitable, they have each other’s back, and they produce the highest customer satisfaction rankings. This can be you! Using the patented Connection Quadrants, you will know exactly how to dial into what your people are connected to, and how to gain their loyalty to your vision, inspire change, and elevate your team’s productivity through appreciation, trust, and goals that matter.
10:00 AM Networking Break
10:15 AM – 11:45 AM Organic Growth: Working Through the Pain Points
Angie Herbers, Herbers & Company
Maintaining a high organic growth rate in large firms is more science than art. In this session, you will learn the most common growth problems and how to overcome them.
11:45 AM Networking Lunch
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM A Detailed Tour of The Hidden Aspects of Your Firm’s Valuation
Dan Seivert, ECHELON Partners
Valuation is often the key element associated with buying other firms, selling your firm, and sharing enterprise value with partners. The industry’s leading expert on this subject will provide a comprehensive review that will motivate you to take action!
2:00 PM Networking Break
2:15 PM – 3:15 PM M&A Cultures
Greg Friedman, Private Ocean
Learn how culture is formed and reinforced throughout an organization, and how it can be maintained through a merger or acquisition.
3:15 PM Networking Break
3:30 PM – 4:30 PM M&A Panel: Maintaining & Elevating Client Experience During Growth
Leaders of large firms that have been successful with M&A activity will talk about their experience and how they continue to elevate client experiences during growth.
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Optional Group Activities
6:00 PM - 6:45 PM Networking Reception on Sky Lawn
7:00 PM Group Dinner on Ocean Front Terrace
Thursday, February 10, 2022
6:00 AM - 7:00 AM Optional Activity: Morning Workout/Yoga
7:15 AM Networking Breakfast
8:30 AM – 9:30 AM Future Workforce & DEI
Kate Healy
This session will explore the intersection of focusing on DEI and stewarding the future financial planning workforce.
9:30 AM Networking Break
9:40 AM – 10:40 AM Advisory Firm for the Future
Bob Veres, Insider Information
The pandemic has accelerated changes to our profession. Bob Veres interviewed 16 thought leaders about what the next evolution of the planning firm will look like. This presentation will review their insights related to four dimensions that will characterize the firm of the future: management, service/advice offered, marketing and technology.
10:40 AM Networking Break
10:50 AM – 12:20 PM Developing the Next Generation of Leaders
Eric Hehman, Austin Asset
Learn how to identify and develop the next generation of leaders. Discuss how to develop internal and merged next gen talent and the balancing act and challenges associated with both.
12:20 PM Networking Lunch
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM Predictive Indexing
Jim Adkins, CXO Accelerator
Chris Scherer, CXO Accelerator
Decode the human element within your organization and unlock the potential of everyone. Learn how to maximize hiring, onboarding, developing, engaging, and retaining talent.
2:30 PM Networking Break
2:40 PM – 3:40 PM Industry Leaders Panel
Leaders from three major custodians will share their insights on the future of RIAs and the data firms should monitor.
3:40 PM Networking Break
3:50 PM – 4:50 PM Influential Impact: The Art of Significant Leadership
Dan Clark, The Art of Significance
Dan teaches the purpose of a leader is to grow more leaders who believe what you believe – not generate more followers. When everybody feels like a valued ‘influencer with a voice’ they lead with and without a title – regardless of age, race, gender, or experience. Using his three-step A.R.T. process, Dan focuses specifically on leadership and increases:
- Awareness that the culture of any organization is created between the strongest belief, highest expectation, and best behavior the leader lives by - and the weakest belief, lowest expectation and worst behavior the leader tolerates.
- Refinement of your personal power found in S.E.R.V. – Self Worth, Execution, Reputation, Visibility.
- Transformation with a specific plan that creates a culture of significant partners who hold themselves accountable and care as much about the organization as the leaders do.
4:50 PM Closing Thoughts & Review: What We Learned Together
Bob Veres, Insider Information
A learning and networking opportunity to reflect on the sessions, have further discussions with your colleagues and make final connections before you leave the event.
5:50 PM – 6:30 PM Relax and refresh
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM Closing Party on Sky Lawn
*Program agenda subject to change