2020 Symposium Sponsors

At AdvisorServe, we believe in the comprehensive financial planning process. We think the best financial advisors are those who serve as quarterback for their clients across their entire financial landscape.
As an advisor, you are in the best position to advise your clients about their insurance needs. You’re doing the planning work; their insurance advice shouldn’t be left to a captive agent only concerned with one carrier’s products. The amount of insurance they need, the type of insurance they need, and the duration for which they need insurance are all recommendations that you are in the best position to make. You can be objective. Client’s need your objectivity. AdvisorServe provides you the tools and resources that you need to confidently serve your clients with their insurance needs.
Sponsoring the South Region Symposium

As the industry’s leading custodian for independent registered investment advisors (RIAs), Schwab Advisor Services is dedicated to helping advisors achieve their business goals. For more than 30 years we have supported firms of all types and sizes and earned the trust of over 7,500 advisors. Visit advisorservices.schwab.com. Schwab Advisor Services serves independent investment advisors and includes the custody, trading, and support services of Schwab.
Sponsoring the NEMA Region Symposium

Lighthouse Life Solutions, LLC works with financial professionals - including insurance agents, financial advisors, accountants, and others - who advise and assist policyowners with the sale of unwanted, unneeded or unaffordable life insurance policies. Lighthouse Life is focused on educating and assisting financial professionals about the value that life settlements provide to life insurance policyowners and their families. LightHouse Life offers a unique, fast and easy, approach for financial professionals to integrate life settlements into their practice for the benefit of life insurance policyowners.
Sponsoring the South Region, NEMA Region and West Region Symposiums

Peachtree Hotel Group is a vertically-integrated investment management firm focused on investing in the premium-branded (Marriott, Hilton, Hyatt, IHG) limited & select service hotel space. Leveraging our integrated hotel platform (we own management, development and lending subsidiaries), Peachtree Hotel Group has invested in over $2.5bn of hotels, raised two debt funds ($52m and $179m), two equity funds ($100m and $175m) and have executed over 230 hotel transactions since inception in 2007. For reference, we currently own and manage 50 hotels and have originated over 80 hotel loans (totaling more than $1.5bn).
Currently, Peachtree Hotel Group has three offerings available. Our $200m hotel development fund focused solely on investing in Opportunity Zones, (“PHOTA”), has raised approximately $150m and closed on 5 hotel projects. Additionally, Peachtree’s hotel debt fund (“SSHCOF3”) has raised approximately $50m of commitments, with a robust deal pipeline. This is a high-yield fixed income fund originating first mortgage loans, mezzanine loans and preferred equity positions. This fund targets returns of 11% to 14% and focuses on value-add projects within the premium-branded (Marriott, Hilton, IHG, Hyatt) limited-service, select-service, and compact full-service hotel space. Lastly, Peachtree’s value-add equity fund, (“PHVIF3”), was recently launched and this fund targets high teens returns by acquiring undervalued premium branded (Marriott, Hilton, etc.) primarily limited & select-service hotels, implementing a value add component (executing a renovation & putting in place our captive property management arm to optimize revenues and expenses), improving cashflows and subsequently selling the asset -- historically within five years.
Sponsoring the South Region Symposium

Retirement Plan Consultants is a turnkey service provider which is designed to help fee only advisory firms grow and manage their retirement plan business. We are committed to partnering with firms to be an extension of their back office, to streamline their offering, and to save time. Our solution includes marketing materials and strategic planning to help grow your business. By proactively providing consultation, we help your clients meet their goals and design the plan correctly the first time. Our platform is open architecture and conflict free as we have no proprietary funds. Finally, we offer a fiduciary service which allows the advisor to focus on the client and scale the business more efficiently.
Sponsoring the South Region, NEMA Region and West Region Symposiums

Our firm, Ryan Insurance Strategy Consultants is primarily focused on helping Fee-Only Advisors and their clients with life, disability, and long-term care insurance planning. John Ryan CFP® is the Principal of the firm and consults with financial advisors, attorney's, CPA's and their clients in addition to managing his own private insurance practice in Colorado since 1978.
Ryan Insurance Strategy Consultants also oversee the administration of the NAPFA Member Group Insurance Benefit plans and specialize in the implementation and administration of group insurance products to associations and employer groups at a national level.
To learn more about our resources contact John at: (800) 796-0909 x102 or email him john_ryan@ryan-insurance.net
Sponsoring the South Region, NEMA Region and West Region Symposiums

Secura Consultants (formerly MDP Consultants and now merged with Secura Consultants to be one) worked to develop this program so that NAPFA members had a second option when it came to disability income protection through the association. Secura Consultants is a NAPFA Resource Partner who provides financial advisors with fiduciary level review, consultation, and placement of life, disability and long-term care solutions. Whether the risk is a premature death, the inability to work due to poor health, or the need for extended care, Secura Consultants provides in-depth risk management with a fiduciary standard of care. They use the fiduciary standards as a guide to how they conduct business – assuring that advisors have independent access to insurance products and clients receive the education, analysis, and recommendations needed to make informed and documented decisions, all in the client’s best interest. For more information, call Mitch Nelson at 952-641-5206 or send him an email at mitch@securaconsultants.com.
Sponsoring the South Region, NEMA Region and West Region Symposiums