Adam Scott (CFP®)

Adam Scott focuses in the
following client markets or areas of practice:
- Business Owners
- Charitable Giving
- Entrepreneurs
- ExPat and Cross Border Issues
- High Net Worth Client Needs
- Professional Athletes or Entertainers
- Business Owners
- Charitable Giving
- Entrepreneurs
- ExPat and Cross Border Issues
- High Net Worth Client Needs
- Professional Athletes or Entertainers
Planning Specialties
WellAcre Global Wealth Advisors provides fee only wealth management, customized financial planning, and decades of experience in tax planning and risk management. We do our best work with business owners and those in the entertainment industry.Additional Information
Adam Scott, CFP® is a Santa Monica, CA fee-only financial planner, founder and CEO of WellAcre Global Wealth Management. Adam's father taught him his first golden rule of investing: "A diversified portfolio must have at least eight stocks". Four years later, his father invested the families' entire life savings in one "sure thing". And sure enough, it went bankrupt. The family lost everything. ?Since then, Adam has looked back with appreciation for the investing lessons his father gave him, and maybe that one most of all: even the smartest people can make catastrophic mistakes handling their finances. ?Drawn to investment theory, risk management, and investing behavior, Adam studied Economics at Bristol University, the UK leader in the burgeoning field of Monetarist Economic Theory. ?Upon graduating with honors, he worked successfully as a Commodities Sugar and Coffee Trader at Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette in London. However, upon moving to Los Angeles he switched careers to the Entertainment Industry. In Entertainment, he found there was a great need for informed financial planning and advice. Adam became a partner at the LPL affiliated RIA, Westside Investment Management for the next decade. He gained the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, professional certification as well as the Series 7 and 66 investment licenses. ? Adam decided to form a fee-only Registered Investment Advisor focused on Entertainment and Business Owner clients, believing this structure best suits giving conflict-free comprehensive advice, putting clients' interest first. Adam and some team members formed Wellacre Wealth Management, LLC on the TD Ameritrade and Schwab platforms.NAPFA Start Date
September 01, 2022
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