Sefa Mawuli (CFP®)

Sefa Mawuli focuses in the
following client markets or areas of practice:
- Business Owners
- Corporate Executives
- ExPat and Cross Border Issues
- Investment Advice with Ongoing Management
- Tax Planning
- Business Owners
- Corporate Executives
- ExPat and Cross Border Issues
- Investment Advice with Ongoing Management
- Tax Planning
Planning Specialties
Sefa Mawuli is a managing partner and certified financial planner (CFP®) at Jade & Cowry. She helps international families, professionals who move around globally for work, and cross-border entrepreneurs to manage their finances so they can live their best lives without worrying about money. She also has extensive experience helping clients implement strategies for their employer equity compensation: RSUs, ESPP, stock options, and 10b5-1 plans.
Together with her clients, Sefa tackles:
-Cash flow and budgeting
-Saving for goals and major purchases
-Tax strategy
-Insurance planning
-Estate planning
-Financial independence and retirement planning
...and managing the various life events that come up.
Typical client questions for Sefa include:
-How do I manage/plan for cash flow and savings when international travel is central to my family values?
-How do I manage cash flow and accounts in different currencies?
-How do I plan for retirement when I’m not sure where I’ll retire?
-How do I manage my equity when some of it was granted while I worked overseas?
-How do I think about real estate (overseas and here in the US)?
-How do I save for my children’s college when I’m not sure where in the world they will go to college?
-How do I support family here and abroad?
If you’re seeking a long-term partnership with a comprehensive financial planner who can guide you through all aspects of your financial life in the US and wherever life may take you, please send Sefa a note.
Additional Information
Prior to switching careers to become a financial planner, Sefa worked with Fortune 500 corporate executives to develop and implement business and market development strategies, primarily in the eBusiness space.
Education & Credentials:
FINRA Series 65 License (Investment Advisor Representative)
MS, George Washington University
BA, Economics, French & Computer Science, Claremont McKenna College
NAPFA Start Date
October 25, 2019