Rick Valenzi (CFP®, CRPC®)

Rick Valenzi focuses in the
following client markets or areas of practice:

  • Cash Flow/Budgets/Credit Issues
  • College/Education Planning
  • Fixed Fee (Subscription, Retainer, etc.)
  • Generation X
  • Investment Advice with Ongoing Management
  • Millennials

Additional Information

We help young families conquer financial complexity.

With a successful career and a family comes financial complexity - that evil villain lurking in the shadows. Left alone, he can dismantle everything you’ve built. Try to defeat him and he’ll leave you confused, frustrated and overwhelmed.

You deserve a guide who can show you how to lock him up and throw away the key.

For over a decade we’ve helped young families conquer financial complexity through hands-on, full-service financial planning.

Our process is simple: 
1) Determine if you need help
2) Create a plan together
3) Execute the plan together

By defeating financial complexity, you’ll eliminate your financial anxiety. You’ll acquire confidence, gain clarity about your future and understand your finances better than you ever have.

Schedule your free consultation today! - www.finanicalzen.com/booking

Or download your free whitepaper - "3 Financial Mistakes Parents Make (and how to fix them) - www.financialzen.com

NAPFA Start Date

November 07, 2019

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Disclaimer: Limitations. This list only serves as a resource to assist an individual in identifying a potential advisor for their review and consideration. The appearance of an adviser on the list is not endorsement by NAPFA of that advisor's services. There can be no assurance that you will experience a certain level of results or satisfaction if you engage a listed advisor. Except for the NAPFA membership fee, the listed advisor did not pay NAPFA a separate fee to appear on the list.
Disclaimer: Limitations. This list only serves as a resource to assist an individual in identifying a potential advisor for their review and consideration. The appearance of an adviser on the list is not endorsement by NAPFA of that advisor's services. There can be no assurance that you will experience a certain level of results or satisfaction if you engage a listed advisor. Except for the NAPFA membership fee, the listed advisor did not pay NAPFA a separate fee to appear on the list.


This Office

600 California St Fl 11 San Francisco, CA 94108-2727 Phone: (415) 792-0345