Cynthia Flannigan (CFP®)

Cynthia Flannigan focuses in the
following client markets or areas of practice:

  • Cash Flow/Budgets/Credit Issues
  • College/Education Planning
  • Fixed Fee (Subscription, Retainer, etc.)
  • Hourly
  • Investment Advice without Ongoing Management
  • Retirement Plan Investment Advice

Additional Information

Hello! This is Cynthia Flannigan and I’m a financial planner at Mainstreet Financial Planning.

My journey to becoming a financial planner really began as I was working at an investment management company. I really enjoyed working with my clients and getting to be a part of their lives. Inevitably, people die and I’ve always felt like it was an important part of my job to help the surviving spouse with what comes next. The division of trusts can feel overwhelming--especially when you’re in the middle of grieving. Preparing for these changes and getting the documents in order was the key.

That actually wasn’t the case when my mom unexpectedly died. It was a lot of work getting everything in together and sorted out, and it was very clear that some of the issues we discovered wasn’t all about money, so I was determined that not only would my siblings and I be prepared for when my dad dies and know what to do with the stuff, but also my dad and I worked together to have a plan in place, so he can enjoy his retirement and still take care of his kids when he dies. We all wouldn’t have so much worry and stress in our lives because we know what to do. We have a plan.

That’s what I want for my clients and their family. To bring my skills and experience in to create a plan to help guide them through any of life’s challenges, be it a child’s education, retirement or taking care of their own parents. They don’t have to fear making that next transition and they have to do it alone. I’m here to help.

NAPFA Start Date

January 11, 2019

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Disclaimer: Limitations. This list only serves as a resource to assist an individual in identifying a potential advisor for their review and consideration. The appearance of an adviser on the list is not endorsement by NAPFA of that advisor's services. There can be no assurance that you will experience a certain level of results or satisfaction if you engage a listed advisor. Except for the NAPFA membership fee, the listed advisor did not pay NAPFA a separate fee to appear on the list.
Disclaimer: Limitations. This list only serves as a resource to assist an individual in identifying a potential advisor for their review and consideration. The appearance of an adviser on the list is not endorsement by NAPFA of that advisor's services. There can be no assurance that you will experience a certain level of results or satisfaction if you engage a listed advisor. Except for the NAPFA membership fee, the listed advisor did not pay NAPFA a separate fee to appear on the list.


This Office

236 N Santa Cruz Ave Ste. 237 Los Gatos, CA 95030 Phone: (888) 897-6743 Fax: (805) 267-3001

Other Offices

1113 Odenton Rd. Ste. 2C Odenton, MD 21113 Phone: (888) 897-6743
1115 Broadway, 12th Floor New York, NY 10010 Phone: (888) 897-6743 Fax: (805) 267-3001
1775 Eye Street, NW, Suite 1150 Washington, DC 20006-2424 Phone: (888) 897-6743
30700 Russell Ranch Rd Ste. 250 Westlake Village, CA 91362 Phone: (888) 897-6743 Fax: (805) 267-3001