Shehara Wooten (CFP®)

Planning Specialties
Hello!! My name is Shehara L. Wooten, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional. Since my name is unique and rare, many are unfamiliar with how it is pronounced. I will offer my assistance, it is pronounced "Sha-Hair-Rah".
I am originally from Columbus, OH and graduated with a B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from The Ohio State University. Soon after working as an engineer and taking on various roles, I decided to truly seek God for my purpose. Through this process, I realized that part of my life's work was connected to promoting financial literacy for teenagers. In 2004, I decided to pursue my passion by changing careers and began working in annuity sales with a global financial institution. In 2009, I started working with women who were professional, business owners, married and single as a financial advisor with a national broker-dealer firm. During my time with this firm, I acknowledged that my enthusiasm for promoting financial literacy to the youth extended to adults, specifically women. I also realized that creating financial success for clients, was not only correlated to the numbers in the plan, but having an understanding of the individual stories behind the numbers. This is where Your Story Financial, LLC was born. I am located in sunny Orlando, FL, Your Story Financial is offering financial planning virtually, meaning we can work together no matter where you live in the United States. I have a passion for creating financial success stories one chapter at a time.
In addition to helping clients achieve financial success, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, hosting events, reading a good non-fiction book, watching historical documentaries and spending time with my wonderful husband.
Additional Information
Your Story Financial, LLC was born, because we believe everyone deserves to have access to quality financial advice regardless of age or amount of accumulated assets. Furthermore, as a fee-only fiduciary registered investment adviser, we are not compensated via commissions, which allows us to truly put the clients' best interests first.
We know that everyone has a financial success story they want to create. If you look at your financial story as a book, imagine the last chapter in that book. What would we read? How does that look? Your Story Financial helps you get started at chapter one. We help you "write" each chapter of your financial success story, one chapter at a time.
Your Story Financial is also a member of NAPFA, National Association of Personal Financial Advisors. NAPFA is the country’s leading professional association of Fee-Only financial advisors—highly trained professionals who are committed to working in the best interests of those they serve.
Your Story Financial is a boutique firm located in sunny Orlando, FL. We offer financial planning and investment management services to STEM Professionals, virtually, which means you can live anywhere in the country and get your financial planning and investment management services needs met. Let's connect for a Complimentary 30 Minute Introductory Meeting to uncover your financial story and goals.
NAPFA Start Date
August 05, 2016