Holly Donaldson Financial Planning, LLC
Welcome. Our firm offers financial planning primarily on a fee-for-service, project-based, and fixed-fee basis. In our practice, we do not touch our clients' money or derive income from their investment decisions.
Following are concerns commonly shared by our clients:
1) "It bothers me that my financial life has been put together piece-meal."
2) "I'm not sure my financial professional truly understands my goals."
3) "I'm afraid I haven't planned for contingencies - what if I'm disabled or die? The choices are confusing."
4) "Do my investment and insurance choices reflect my accountant's and attorney's advice"?
5) "How much, exactly, am I paying to have my finances managed?"
6) "I thought I was getting a relationship with a financial professional, but all I got was a transaction."
7) "How much is enough for me and my family? Are we on track?"
8) "Help! I am now a trustee. Where do I start?"
9) "What if I outlive my money?" or
10) "When will I be able to relax about my finances?"
All of these are normal starting points for a conversation with a financial planner. If you would like to schedule a complimentary phone consultation, go to: http://www.meetme.so/HollyPThomas.
We also publish an award-winning monthly e-letter, "The View From the Porch." Subscribe here: https://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?llr=rk5s7ccab&p=oi&m=1101756201297&sit=u4f5mmqcb&f=66f87d76-20a1-433b-99f3-fb69fed21fe5
For more detailed information on our financial lifestyle planning philosophy, read Holly's book, The Mindful Money Mentality: How To Find Balance In Your Financial Future, available on Amazon.