WisMed Financial, Inc.

We are a part of the Wisconsin Medical Society.
As a physician, your finances are unique.
You have goals and dreams:
- Providing for yourself and your family
- Paying off med school
- Raising children
- Saving for your future
- Giving back
- Building financial security
Our process is built around you.
1. Complimentary initial consultation
2. Financial Diagnosis
3. Financial treatment plan
4. Regular financial checkups
With your comfort, safety, and security in mind.
- A judgement free environment
- Providing reasons behind the recommendations
- Following best practices so you get the right advice
- Putting your interest ahead of ours as fiduciaries
To see how we have helped other physicians, please see some of our Sample Cases.
We look forward to meeting you soon. www.WisMedFinancial.org