Ocean Breeze Wealth LLC
Ocean Breeze Wealth was started in February 2018 and provides financial planning services and investment management. The company was founded with the belief that clients deserve the highest level of service, unbiased financial planning and investment advice. Ocean Breeze Wealth is a fee only financial advisory firm working with clients to help them reach their financial goals ranging from education planning to retirement planning. While the company is based out of Winter Garden, FL, our clientele is all over the country thanks to the power of technology.
Disclaimer: Limitations. This list only serves as a resource to assist an individual in
identifying a potential advisor for their review and consideration. The appearance of an
adviser on the list is not endorsement by NAPFA of that advisor's services. There can be
no assurance that you will experience a certain level of results or satisfaction if you
engage a listed advisor. Except for the NAPFA membership fee, the listed advisor did not
pay NAPFA a separate fee to appear on the list.