Sedai Wealth
About Sedai Wealth
Sedai Wealth is a fee-only Registered Investment Advisor located in Irvine, CA. We work with clients both locally and virtually to help plan their financial future and retire with confidence.
We work with many retirees (and those close to it) looking for an optimal way to approach the complexities of retirement. Whether they're currently in retirement or several years out, our unique Wealth by Design planning process will solve just that.
What makes us different?
Our goal is simple - to make the world better one client at a time. There are no aspirations to become the largest planning firm or focus on managing the most money, but instead, have a limited number of highly personalized client relations and know each and every client.
We believe in a transparent process
No hidden fees, no commissions, and no nickel and diming. We clearly communicate fees, potential and realized returns, risks, and opportunities.
Visit Our AffiliationsFee-Only Network, CFP Board, XY Planning Network, Financial Planning Association of Orange County