NAPFA Fall 2022 National Conference Speaker

Sheri Gibson
Dr. Sheri Gibson received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in Geropsychology from the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs (UCCS). She is an instructor and clinical supervisor for the Psychology Department at UCCS and a faculty affiliate with the UCCS Gerontology Center. Dr. Gibson serves on the editorial board for the Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, is a member of the Research Committee for the National Adult Protective Services Association (NAPSA), and a founding member of the Pikes Peak Elder Justice Center. In addition to being an advocate for elder justice, Dr. Gibson has a private psychotherapy and consultation practice, which includes provision of capacity evaluations, expert testimony, consultation, and training.
For more information on Dr. Gibson’s services and resources, visit her website:
For more information on Dr. Gibson’s services and resources, visit her website: