NAPFA Fall 2021 National Conference Speaker

Tiffany Markarian
Since 1995, Tiffany Markarian has personally coached hundreds of RIAs, wealth advisors, broker/dealers, and brokerage firms in driving productivity, practice equity and overall growth. Tiffany speaks at numerous industry conferences throughout the year including the Society of Financial Service Professionals (FSP), the Financial Planning Association of Massachusetts (FPA), NAILBA, NAIFA, GAMA, LIBRA, Lincoln Financial Group, Guardian Life Insurance, Vanderbilt Securities, and regional firms and broker/dealers. She has been featured in NAPFA Advisor Magazine, ThinkAdvisor, Advisor Magazine, NAIFA Advisor Today, NAILBA Perspectives, and the GAMA International Journal for her results in helping firms and advisors increase the equity value of their practice and retaining and strengthening client relationships. Her clients say Tiffany creates a much-needed level of change and accountability. She helps you understand historical sticking points to get you executing. She is known for helping advisors capture and retain opportunities amidst heightened competition and economic volatility.