Does a Reverse Mortgage Have a Place in Retirement Planning?

Specialized Knowledge
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Broadway Ballroom B

Does a reverse mortgage have a place in retirement planning? This session explores that question by introducing reverse mortgages as a flexible financial tool that can enhance retirement income, reduce tax liabilities, and protect against risks such as long-term care expenses, sequence of returns, and excessive asset distribution rates.

We’ll also examine the home as an independent legacy asset and compare it to strategies that leverage home equity to boost overall legacy value, such as paying taxes for Roth conversions or financing life insurance trusts.


Finally, we’ll identify the client profiles that could benefit most from reverse mortgages and discuss effective ways to present the concept.

Learning Objectives:

  • Develop a better understanding of reverse mortgages as a retirement planning tool rather than a loan of last resort
  • Learn of specific utilizations that have enhanced legacy, values, and a safeguarded retirement plan.
  • Determine which clients could benefit from home equity in their retirement plans