[WORKSHOP] The Psychology of Advice: Using Behavioral Science to Build Trust and Help Clients

Specialized Knowledge
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Broadway Ballroom West

Isn't it amazing how clients pay you for your advice, so you give them good advice, and they don't take it? How does that happen? In this session, you'll review key biases and principles affecting client/advisor trust and learn simple ways to improve clients' chances to act on your advice. You'll learn strategies and ideas you can apply to your very next client interaction, 

NOTE: Participants will receive a FREE copy of Dan Smaida's new book, "The Psychology of Advice" (May 2023).

Learning Objectives 

  • Understand major cognitive biases and psychological factors that influence client trust. 
  • Learn behaviors to both employ and avoid in client interactions. 
  • Identify opportunities to apply behavioral psychology strategies to their practice.