[WORKSHOP] Financial Advising and Motivational Interviewing - Creating a Better Client Experience

Communications & Marketing
1:45 PM - 2:45 PM
Broadway Ballroom C/D

We have all experienced frustration when clients won't implement recommendations, won't follow through with what they say they will do, or make decisions based on emotion vs facts. Financial advisors are trained to advise but research shows that when clients are ambivalent about making a change, advice and persuasion rarely work and can actually be counterproductive. Motivational Interviewing (MI) is an evidence-based, research-supported method of communication designed to help clients move forward with their goals. Learn what MI is all about and how it can promote better client outcomes, improve client/advisor relationships, and support staff satisfaction and retention.

Learning Objectives:

  • Distinguish between three types of communications and properly apply to appropriate client interactions.
  • Explore alternative approaches in giving advice to clients and not hindering their progress toward their goals.
  • Apply evidence-based concepts and skills of Motivational Interviewing to enhance client outcomes and strengthen client-advisor relationships.