Tax Efficient Retirement Planning with Reverse Mortgages

Specialized Knowledge
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Stockyards 1

As a financial advisor, you know the importance of helping your clients achieve their retirement goals and maintain their lifestyle in their golden years. But how often do you consider the role of home equity in your clients' retirement plans? For many homeowners, their home is their largest asset and a significant source of wealth that can be leveraged to enhance their retirement income and security. One way to tap into this wealth is through a reverse mortgage, a loan that allows homeowners sixty-two and older to borrow against the value of their home without selling it or making monthly payments. 

In this session, Steve Resch, a Wealth Advisor, and Vice President of Retirement Strategies at Finance of America, will explain how reverse mortgages work and how they can be integrated into a holistic retirement plan. He will share real-life case studies of using reverse mortgages to help clients achieve various retirement objectives, such as:

- Increasing cash flow and reducing portfolio withdrawal rates
- Diversifying income sources and managing sequence of returns risk
- Managing long-term risk
- Protecting against longevity risk and inflation risk
- Preserving legacy and enhancing estate planning

3 Learning Objectives:

  1. Evaluate if home equity with a reverse mortgage can help safeguard a retirement income plan.
  2. Identify opportunities where legacies can be enhanced by including a reverse mortgage in a comprehensive retirement plan.
  3. Share conceptually how a reverse mortgage can be introduced to your clients