Inclusive and Equitable by Design: How to Embed DEIB Into Your Financial Service Organization's DNA

Behavioral Ethics
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Fort Worth 6-8

Inclusive and Equitable by Design: How to Embed DEIB Into Your Financial Service Organization's DNA

Creating more inclusive, diverse organizations is a priority for most companies. We establish training programs, stand up councils, and lay out roadmaps for change. But what if we could accelerate results by folding diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) into our organization’s design to make them an inextricable part of how we work? In this session, you’ll learn a proven, fresh framework for how truly effective organizations run and how that intersects with the concepts of DEIB. Whether you work at a financial services start-up or a company with a rich history, you’ll walk away inspired and enlightened on how your organization can achieve success on multiple fronts.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify the elements of organization design and how they interact with each other 
  2. Understand how to fold DEIB into your organization's design, especially in the financial services industry to accelerate results 
  3. Examine your organization and its efforts at inclusion, equity and belonging through a systemic lens
  4. Leverage new concepts and terminology to continue your learning journey