Long-Run & Near-Term Perspectives on the US Economy

8:05 AM - 9:05 AM
Fort Worth 4/5

There are several key long-run trends that have shaped the recent performance of the U.S. economy. Included in these are the forces of demographics, globalization, and technical change. In this keynote session, economic policy advisor Jim Dolmas will survey the post-pandemic landscape and ask: Is the economy coming back into balance? Is the battle with inflation complete? And lastly, which structural shifts are likely to persist? Dolmas will provide an outlook on expectations for growth, and inflation and employment over the next several years and in the long run.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Determine how demographic shifts -– an older, slower-growing population – have shaped the prospects for U.S. economic growth
  2. Learn what caused the surge in inflation over the past few years and what the Federal Government did to combat it
  3. Discuss higher interest rates – are they the new normal?