The Four Phases: How to Squeeze all The "Juice" out of Retirement

11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
San Diego B

Everyone says you must prepare to retire financially, and of course, you do. What they don't tell you is that you also must prepare psychologically. This session will explore the overlooked psychological changes and challenges that almost every retiree faces,as well as the 10,000 North Americans retiring every day. In this session, you will learn about the four phases of retirement, the five unavoidable losses, and the three "Ds".

Attendees will add value to their client relationships by providing a ‘heads up’ to near-retirees and helping retirees to make sense of the inevitable psychological changes and challenges that they will experience. 

Learning Objectives: 

  1. Understand the four phases of retirement including the most challenging phase and the most gratifying phase
  2. Equip advisors to assist clients in effectively moving through the four phases so they can thrive in retirement
  3. Learn ways to help clients identify their unique ability