Managing Clients’ Existing Life Insurance Portfolios

11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
San Diego A

Many clients are unaware their permanent life insurance may require a specified level of performance to achieve their objectives. Commonly viewed as the proverbial “icing on the cake,” in most cases, the cash value represents the life blood of the policy. In an effort to entice a prospective client, many agents make rather aggressive assumptions that look promising on the onset of a policy but have little chance of success in reality. Year after year, clients receive policy statements detailing the basic values of the policy (death benefit, premium, due date, cash value, etc.), but rarely any information as to whether the policy is still on track to meet their objectives (i.e., pay a death benefit).

In this session, advisors will learn common in-force illustration vernacular, how to spot red flags in in-force illustrations, and review several remediation options. The session will conclude with case studies.

Learning Objectives: 

  1. Learn the differences in sales ledgers and in-force ledgers
  2. Understand the purpose and inherent flaw in projected values
  3. Review NAIC regulatory illustration guidelines, common illustration terminology, and common remediation options
  4. Determine how to identify “red flags” on in-force ledgers