Discover Effective Teams: Explore Four Keys to Highly Successful Teams

9:15 AM - 10:15 AM

Teams are one of the most basic, common, and important work systems. And usually, teams are mostly winging it. This lack of attending to the system of being a team can result in low sense of trust and commitment, confusion in decision making, tense relationships, poor goal attainment, and other issues. In this session, discover the capabilities of an effective team. Through four lenses of Conversation, Relationship, Work and Outcomes, there are opportunities for clarity, insight, and a better future. It's not comfortable, but it works.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the signs of low effectiveness in teams and discover the biggest driver(s) to create change
  2. Use a framework to identify, own and improve issues as they arise within a team
  3. Learn how to work together on the highest priority capabilities that, if enhanced, will make the greatest difference in overall effectiveness