Diversity, Inclusion, and Bias: Awareness to Action
As organizations are making new and renewed efforts in the diversity, inclusion, and bias (DIBs™) space, a variety of lessons learned have been critical to informing both their processes and progress. Participants in this session will be exposed to three critical components to successful initiatives based on cross industry best practices. Beginning with baselining language, attendees will be asked to consider value of a shared language for those on a diversity journey. Then the Diversity, Inclusion and Bias (DIBs) Model ™ will be introduced This is the theoretical model used as the foundation for the tools and solutions at JP Enterprises. Additionally, time will be spent investigating the Inclusive Leadership Assessment™, a tool used to measure where leaders, teams, and organizations are on their diversity journeys. At the conclusion of the session, time will be allocated to answer questions using up to the minute analogies and practices.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn common language across the DEI spectrum
- Increase diversity acumen
- Enhance understanding of inclusive leadership