Managing Student Loans in a Changing Landscape

1:40 PM - 2:40 PM
Attorney Adam S. Minsky is a student loan expert who has built a successful legal practice focused entirely on helping student loan borrowers and their families. He will provide a detailed overview of the complex student loan system and programs that may be available to borrowers to better manage their student debt, so that practitioners will be better prepared to help clients who are struggling with student debt. Topics will include:
• Student loan types
• Student loan players
• Student loan statuses
• Repayment plans, including income-driven plans
• Loan forgiveness programs
• The pros and cons of consolidation and refinancing
• Legislative changes
• Resources

Learning Objectives:
• Understand the different student loan types, players, and statuses so that they can get a better handle on the complexities of the student loan system.
• Find out the nuances of the multiple repayment plans available to federal student loan borrowers.
• Discover the complex requirements of the most popular federal loan forgiveness options that are available to student loan borrowers.
Watch for all the details coming on NAPFA 2022 Events