Keynote - Is The Window Closing?
It is impossible to pick up a trade publication and not read about the rapid clip of mergers and acquisitions occurring in the financial advisory business. Some decisions are driven by lack of succession plans and others are propelled by the rich multiples financial buyers are willing to pay to get into this business. What does this all mean for advisors who still have years left in your career? Do you need to be part of a bigger firm to compete or access resources? Will the size and wealth gap impact your custodial relationships? Will firms emerge on a national or regional scale with a dominant fiduciary advisory brand? Will you experience pricing pressure? Will you be a disadvantaged recruiter of talent? In this session, Mark Tibergien will address what this means for the business of financial advice; and frame your choices while the window is still open. And what to do when it closes.
Learning Objectives:
• Understanding the landscape of market consolidation
• Creating a structure for evaluating your options (including doing nothing)
• Framing consolidation in the context of other pressures impacting the business of financial advice
Learning Objectives:
• Understanding the landscape of market consolidation
• Creating a structure for evaluating your options (including doing nothing)
• Framing consolidation in the context of other pressures impacting the business of financial advice