Keynote - Liar Liar Pants on Fire

8:30 AM - 9:20 AM
Can You Tell When Someone is Lying? Let Body Language Expert Traci Brown Show You How!

Are you winning the game of Two Truths and a Lie? You play every day and don’t even know it.

Win the game with your clients, boss, team, and prospects to dramatically improve your bottom line, detect fraud before it happens and keep your company off the front page for the wrong reasons.

Do they really like your proposal? Do they like the job you did?
Are they telling you the truth about their budget?
Are they telling you all of their needs? Are they really who they say they are in the first place? And most importantly, how would your life change if you knew what those closest to you were doing and not saying?

In this fast paced keynote you'll learn how to use Traci's system to separate the lies from the truth in today's headlines...and in your own life.

This session will not be recorded.