Featured speaker: Breaking the Money Silence -

9:45 AM - 10:35 AM
Almost half of Americans say that the most difficult topic to discuss with others is personal finance, and that they would rather discuss death, politics, or religion.

This societal money taboo is ruining marriages and families, bankrupting businesses, and making it almost impossible for the next generation to be healthy around money. Ironically, it is also hurting many of those in the financial services industry as they are not taught the skills to address the emotional side of money and are encouraged to solely focus on the technical aspects of planning.

In this keynote presentation, Kathleen Burns Kingsbury will highlight the cost of money silence to clients, advisors, and society, and offer practical strategies for breaking money silence with individuals, couples, and families as a way to fuel business growth.

Attend and discover:

• The high price you and your clients pay for money silence

• Practical strategies for teaching women and couples financial communication skills

• How your advisor money talk mindset impacts your business success and what to do about it

• Why advisors can and should use this service as a competitive differentiator

• How joining the Breaking Money Silence Revolution makes good business sense