Asset Allocation: Dynamic Global Portfolios to Prosper in Good Times and Bad

4:10 PM - 5:00 PM
Studies show that client investment portfolios continue to exhibit a strong home country bias, and concentration in a small number of available global asset classes. With the proliferation of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) covering everything from large equity market indexes to obscure asset classes it prompts the question: How should we make best use of all of the available investment opportunities to create properly constructed, well-diversified global portfolios.

This presentation will feature a portfolio construction methodology, Adaptive Asset Allocation (AAA), with the potential to deliver consistent, positive rates of return, even in years like 2008. The presentation will elaborate on a simple, rules-based approach to create thoughtful portfolio of ETFs comprised of global asset classes, that evolves dynamically in response to changing market conditions.

In addition, Adam will discuss how incorporating these types of strategies into traditional portfolios may enhance portfolio returns, lower drawdowns, and increase safe withdrawal rates.

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